in life you must keep on
because otherwise, you are just sleeping


My Half-Found Freedom

Assalammualaikum dan hai!

Ah...rindunnya blog. I have so much to write about, but I don't really have much time. Banyak nak cerita, pasal Hong Kong trip, pasal deko-deko rumah. Work at the office and house chores seems never ending. Plus, I seem to not have the energy like used to before I got married. Kagum tau dengan mak-mak yang sempat je update blog.

Anyway, wanted to share with you about Zain's weaning story. Alhamdulillah, dah mula bagi dia minum susu tepung. Susu apa? Dutch Lady 123 je. Dah pernah cuba bagi susu lain, tapi dia tak nak.

Ceritanya, Rilla punya supply dah sangat merundum. Few last days I pumped at the office, I only managed to expressed 3oz of milk for the whole day. So I started questioning, is it worth it? To spend 20 minutes each session to express 3 oz of milk? To add to this, I'm carrying a two-person workload right now. My role was expanded in which that my old role was merged into another role. Not going to dwell much on that, but work has becoming crazy-busy. So, spending time away from my work station without really expressing much milk is not productive. I'm loosing both ends.

Tapi, rasa bersalah sangat kat Zain sebab dah berhenti pam susu. Maafkan bonda, Zain. Zain masih nursing, cuma malam lah. Alhamdulillah, sebab proses nak intro susu tepung kat Zain dipermudahkan. Satu hari tu, Zain dah kurand minum susu kambing fresh yang bekal hari-hari ke taska. Risau lah kan? Dah la berat badan dia underweight. Lepas tu, ada seminggu, Rilla kena stay back kat office sampai malam sebab nak kejar workload. Rilla mintak mak Rilla jaga Zain seminggu tu. Kitorang anak-beranak berkampung kat KL la minggu tu. Rilla bawak bekal susu kambing, tapi beli juga susu Dutch Lady tu. Minta kat mak cuba bagi susu tu kat Zain, tengok nak ke tak nak.

Alhamdulillah, at first try, he drank the milk. Lega dah sebab dia tak reject susu tu. Lepas tu monitor poop dia, Alhamdulillah, OK. So sekrang, dia pergi taska bekal susu Dutch Lady je. Malam BF + Dutch Lady.

So now I'm able to wear blouses without front buttons to work. Haha, bolehlah bonda bergaya. Barang-barang dalam beg kerja pun dah kurang. No more cooler bag, pumps. Balik rumah pun tak payah dah cuci pam dan botol-botol, haha.

Next plan is to wean him off completely. Tunggu dia 2 tahun nanti. Bittersweet rasanya. Why are you growing up so fast Zain?


  1. Akk pun nk weaning off aish.bln 10 nti dia genap 2 tahun.huhu.until now he rejected fm ngn botol susu..hadoii ssh hti

  2. Rilla..i pun dah (almost) totally wean off Eusoff. sbb once preggy je mmg susu drop gila2.smpai mengamuk2 malam2 xcukup pasrah je la anak susu fm. Skrg guna S26 Gold. before ni mcm xde apa2 pun now dia mcm sembelit pulak. Nak try Dugro Vege tu plak pasni..

    At least u boleh dah bergaya hot mama pasni. I ni wean off, perut memboyot la pulak..bergaya camno?? Hahahaha... ;)
